
How to overcome your Jet lag – 5 golden tips

How to sleep well when traveling to a new time zone? When traveling trans-meridian, you’re likely to struggle with the jet lag phenomenon. This is a disorder of the internal body clock resulting in fatigue and insomnia. This can be a bummer when you want to go out and explore your holiday destination. So how to overcome your jet lag quicker? Read our 5 golden tips.

How does a jet lag work

The common calculation is that the body adjust to the new time zone at the rate of one or two hours per day. So, if it’s 6 hours later on your holiday destination, most people recover within three to five days. Travelers flying east will experience the most problems, because of the ‘loss’ of time. ‘Gaining’ time is usually easier to adjust to. So, what can you do to lessen your jet lag?

Be in shape before departure


You can take precautionary measures before your departure. Preexisting sleep deprivation, stress and poor sleep habits can exacerbate jet lag symptoms. Make sure you get plenty of rest before you embark. Exercising and eating right will help you to get into shape and reduce the effects of the jet lag.

Follow the new time schedule immediately

The sooner you adapt to the local schedule, the quicker your body will adjust. You can already start preparing your body a few days before departure. Easing into the new schedule in familiar surroundings. There are jet lag calculators that can help you with these calculations. Definitely do this as soon as you board the plane. Change the time on your phone and watch to your destination time zone and obey the new time.

Watch movies and try to get some body exercise during the ‘new’ day time. Pack your own healthy snacks or meals when traveling during day time. This way you can eat at the new lunch and dinner times. Skip the meals and try to sleep during the ‘new’ night time. Take a pillow and comfortable clothing with you if you’re travelling during the night. Continue your new schedule at your destination. From now on, go to sleep at the local time, and set the alarm clock in the morning. Also have your breakfast, lunch and dinner at the new regular times.

Eat healthy


Be kind to your body, so your body will be kind to you. Eat plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables (Chew them and don’t drink them as a smoothie) and whole grains. Skip sweets, sugary drinks and processed food, as they will only make you tired. Also skip alcohol, or at least be careful with it. Consumption of alcohol will worsen the symptoms of a jet lag.
As said, have your meals at the local time, this will help you adjust faster. Do not take any caffeine holding beverages 6 hours before bed time. Furthermore, stay hydrated during your flight by drinking a lot of water. Read this blog for tips on how to eat healthy while traveling.

Go outside

The sun is your savior when it comes to jet lags! Get as much exposure to sunlight during the day as possible. This will help your hormones adjust and start the process of resetting. Some light exercise during the day will also help your body wake up.

No screens two hours prior to sleep

This is the opposite of Tip 4. Protect your body from too much light in the evening hours. Turn off your phone and computer two hours before you’re planning to sleep. Evening screen time sabotages your sleep rhythm. The blue light from electronics confuse the body about when it needs to sleep. So, make sure you messaged your friends, family and followers before this time. You can check your communication channels again in the morning.